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Jesus And The Woman At The Well

crosses 671379 1280In John chapter 4 in the Bible, whilst travelling Jesus stops at a well and meets a Samaritan women. What follows is a deep discussion about living water, where the centre of worship should be and the coming Messiah. It is a striking account of Jesus crossing numerous ‘boundaries’ to change a person’s life.

The first boundary He crossed was a geographic one. It is accepted that Jews would go the long way around to avoid going that particular way through Samaria, but Jesus broke the custom of the day.

Once he had crossed that geographic boundary and in his interaction with the woman at the well, we see Jesus break through ethnic, religious, gender, moral and social boundaries of the day to radically change this person’s life. So much so, that the woman went back to her village and through her testimony, many believed in Jesus (John 4:39). Still more believed in Jesus when they heard from him, seeking him out directly (John 4:41-42).

Jesus has crossed the boundary between heaven and earth (John 6:38), so that the boundary between God and people would be removed. That is why the curtain in the Jewish temple of the day was torn in two when Jesus died (Matthew 27:51) – the curtain representing the boundary between people and God, and that boundary had now been broken through. Jesus’ blood shed on the cross is to reconcile and make peace with all (Colossians 1:19-20).

If you would like to make peace with God, who crossed boundaries for you, come and visit us at 10am on a Sunday morning at 7 Mitchell Court in Romsey.